1. How can we booking online?

It’s very easy. Customers click to http://sapaexpress.com, them following steps as below:

Searching for departure and returning day suitable.

Filling to the form with your name, nationality, address, email…etc…

Waiting to Sapa Express reply and do payment.

Receiving electronic voucher which is enclosed with email and waiting for departure day.


2. Payment Method?

Sapa Express accept payment methods as below:

Internet banking to VCB – Vietnam Commercial Bank

Payment via Onepay

Payment via Paypal

Pay in cash at Sapa Express office.


3. How can we know our booking is successful?

When your invoice paid successfully, Hanoitour24h will send you an electronic voucher including your name, number of passenger, depart and returning day, pick up point …to confirm your booking and payment, enclosed in your email.

Passengers can ringing to Hanoitour24h hotline to confirm your booking.

4. Why  have not paper ticket?

Hanoitour24h is tourism travel company, we are not public tour. That’s  why we do not allow issuing paper ticket. Hanoitour24h supply charter package or shared bus, and we send electronic service voucher to our customers to confirm their own booking.

Electronic voucher can be used which requiries their customers booking value.

Passengers can print, or show electronic voucher on your smart phone for boarding.

5. What is happen if we miss our tours?

Hanoitour24h has request to all customers should be present at our office or pick up point at least 30 minute before departure. In case, passengers can not control their own time,later than departure, the booking is cancelled and no refund.

Hanoitour24h do not respondsibility or solve the complains and troubles caused by their own customers if they miss our bus.

In the case passengers miss the bus caused by Hanoitour24h our own (not including incident caused by the third part), immediately we arrange alternative service which equal quality to customers or refund 100% booking value.


6. Itinerary could be changed?

In case of force majeure, Hanoitour24h must change itinerary, Hanoitour24h will contact to customers as fast as possible, means your cell phone number or email are very important. It’s would help us contact you immediately.

If passenger do not agree with this changing, Hanoitour24h will arrange other vehicle or refund 100% booking value.


7. What is our cancellation policy:

If Hanoitour24h our own cancel service, we will contact to customers as soon as possible. Hanoitour24h will looking for alternative vehicle, or do refund. Amount of refund depending on cancellation caused and when we inform to passengers.

Cancelltion caused by Hanoitour24h our own, and we inform to passengers 01 hour before departure, Hanoitour24h will refund 100% booking value. At 02 hours after departure, Hanoitour24h refund  100% booking and we will pay for all extra for other  alternative.

Cancellation caused by objective reasons (natural reasons), accident by third part, Hanoitour24h will refund apart of booking base on negotiation. And suggest a solution to look for another vehicle.


8. Can passenger cancel reservation?

Passengers can cancel success reservation. But hanoitour24h will get back cancellation fee, based on net price. It’s do not excluding promotion or discount. Bank fee, voucher delivery fee..etc…pay by customer them self.